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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Updated over a week ago


Message: "Oops ... Server Error. :("

Reason: The station is starting up

Solution: Wait a few more minutes

What is the average revenue per rental?

€3, around 100 minutes of charging is normal, but with some few holding the powerbank for more than a day, this increases the average revenue per rental.

What is the minimum cost for the user?

You, as a Brick Partner decide the price model, however, you must charge at least €0,5 per transaction, e.g. per 30 minutes or 60 minutes because of PSP regulations.

What in-app options are there for payments?

Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more to come (like PayPal). More payment options can be integrated upon request.

Which station gets the revenue, the rental or the return station?

The rental station

It says they can return it at any other station and charge "on the go" - they don't have to stay at that location and wait for their device to charge. And I also suppose that if they don't return it, they will get charged for its cost? How long can they keep it for before it's considered lost or stolen?

Correct, the customer does not have to stay at the location and wait for their device to charge. The customer can return the powerbank at any other station. If they don't return the powerbank after 5 days without returning it to a station then it is the customer's to keep and they will be charged for 5 days of rental and €25 for the powerbank.

Why did the payment fail?

The pre-authorization charge will appear in the Dashboard when a rental is inititated, but if the transaction is not completed and payment not completed, it won't appear in Stripe as there is nothing to report in Stripe. Payment fails (for example insufficient funds, or card declined) in general, we find about a 2% fail rate generally acceptable. This is because increasing more stringent restrictions would lower that rate and would lead to lower overall revenue. It's better to let a few bad transactions through and capture more revenue overall. If you see a user abusing the system, you can ban them. We also have automations that will retry the failed payments over time, and then manual attempts will occur from headquarters. We can also adjust the overall pricing model slightly reducing the total amount for purchased powerbanks, high total amounts can result in 3DS authentication which can pause a transaction. Lastly we have a debt settlement process that will kick out those users for future rentals until debt is paid.

Do the station prices and fees include VAT?

No, they exclude VAT.

Do the rentals include VAT?

Yes, the price is including VAT.

What does the revenue look like from month to month?

Depends on the size of your network, your pricing model, and other factors. Today the average transaction is around €3 per rental.

Who gets the revenue from advertisement deals on the Brick stations or power banks: the Partner or Brick HQ?

Commercial deals are only allowed for Market Operators, and they will retain 85% of the revenue.

Is there insurance or a warranty on the stations?

We have a 1-year factory warranty.

Do you have any statistics on returning users?

17.7% of users rented at least twice within the past 90 days

Customer support language?

Mainly, English. However, we also translate all messages to your market language, which enables us to help every client in our markets.

What happens if the station gets destroyed or breaks?

This is something you can decide in your venue agreement; who will be responsible for the station. In Sweden, we don't charge a venue partner if the station breaks. We have a 1-year factory warranty, however, Brick does not take responsibility for damaged or lost stations if not from a factory issue.

How is the station delivered?

Ready to use! The power banks are in separate boxes but are included in the station price.

What happens if power banks disappear?

We can deliver more when needed.

Do I need to do anything to make sure my stations are working properly? Do they need any type of "servicing"?

Once you receive the stations you plug them in and Brick has a web page with step-by-step instructions (photos included) on how to set up your stations. The stations do not generally require servicing other than refilling the powerbanks when needed.

What do I need from the business/location for the station to work? Electricity?

Not much except for a plug in a normal power outlet.

What happens when a power bank breaks? Are they repairable, do I need to buy a new one? Is the customer charged?

When a power bank breaks, we need to understand if it is a production flaw or a customer that breaks it. If it is a production flaw, we will send you new powerbanks for free. If a customer breaks it, they should not be able to return it and will automatically purchase it. If a power bank is lost or purchased, you will earn €25 for the lost power bank on top of the price of renting it. You can always buy more power banks from us for the price of €10 a piece.

What happens if a station breaks?

There is a 1-year factory warranty. If a station breaks, we cannot repair it as the system is complex and usually not mechanically related. Any software-related errors can assist with, but not physical damage.

Who is liable if any damage is done to a power bank or station and what are the proceedings?

All the stations have a 1-year factory warranty. After you receive the stations, you can choose to get insurance on the stations.

The lifespan of the machine, how long do they last?

The stations have a lifespan of 3-5 years, potentially longer if treated nicely.

What sets Brick apart from other powerbank sharing companies?

What sets Brick apart from other powerbank sharing companies is that we offer our partners the opportunity to license our platform to use our brand and service and upon signing everything is ready to go. We are a power bank network brand.

Can you offer SIM cards in my region?

We offer SIM cards in all of Europe, North America, and most of South America. For other regions, it will be a case-by-case situation.

Is there a WiFi option for stations?

Currently, there is no Wi-Fi option but it is something that we are looking into and testing at the moment.

Can I join Brick as an individual, or do I have to use my company?

You will need to have a company with a valid VAT ID.

If there is a factory-related issue with the hardware I received, how do I proceed?

Any identified issues shall be reported to Brick HQ, and delivered stations shall be inspected upon delivery. Malfunctions that occur later than after delivery have to be shown to be due to manufacturing faults and not later handling. The Network Partner shall support Brick with sufficient documentation to pursue any warranty claims further with the manufacturer. (Under Hardware in the agreement)

When does the station warranty come into effect?

The 1-year warranty applies from when you have received the station; Purchased Brick Stations are covered by a 1-year warranty for manufacturing faults.

Can I choose any geographical target region to run network?

Please read our articles about Market Operators to understand how Brick works with exclusivity

Who handles customer support?

Brick HQ handle customer service in the app and the website. If there is a hardware-related issue that needs attention, we will reach out to you to handle it.

Is there a possibility of mounting the stations to a wall? If not by default, can we make a custom holder for the station to make it mountable?

You may create a custom holders, plenty of partners have created custom solutions and would be willing to share their designs with you.

Are customers able to recharge a Brick power bank without the station?

There is a power input for USB mini chargers on the side of the Brick.

How are the stations connected to the internet?

They are connected to the internet through a SIM card.

Will the station work if it isn’t connected to the internet?

No, to release a power bank, it needs to be connected to the internet.

Can I receive notifications through the Admin Dashboard when something happens?

Not at the moment, but we are looking into it!

If my language isn’t available in the Brick app, who will translate it?

You will get access to add translations.

Is it allowed to use the station or power bank for third-party advertisements?

Brick allows Market Operators to sign third-party advertising deals in accordance with our recommendations and guidelines

Can Brick HQ regulate how many partners or stations there are in a specific region?

Brick will regulate pricing in an area of multiple Network partners. Brick will also assess the capacity for stations and Network partners if we receive multiple requests for the same market. We also have regulations to make sure the Brick network won’t cannibalize.

In the agreement, you mention the inflation rate. How is the target region inflation rate connected to the station fee rate?

This is a standard term in agreements to ensure that Brick pricing can follow the market price rate. It does not mean that we automatically raise the price, only that we can if necessary.

Do Brick Partners have targets they have to reach in a certain period? If yes, what kind?

Only Market Operators have milestone expansion targets, and speed is always key in placing your stations. Our Partner Success program will ensure that you are on the right track, even if you as a Network Partner don’t have set targets to reach.

Regarding customer support: How is the support handled for venues and users respectively?

The Network partner handles customer support for venues. We are always ready to assist you in this matter, but the dialogue is between you and the venue manager or staff.

How do I receive money?

You receive payouts to your corporate bank account.

How does receipt/invoice work?

Every completed (or purchased) rental has a receipt, users can find these under each rental in the app.

My market has special rules for sending a receipt or invoice, will this service work here too?

Please bring this up with your partner representative.

Does the venue get any percentage of shared revenue?

This is entirely up to you. We share a revenue percentage in the Swedish market, but you are not obliged to.

"Payment failed" in the Dashboard - what does it mean and what do I do?

The payment failure means that we could not collect the amount for that transaction. The PSP (here Stripe) won't specify the exact reason for security reasons, however, most of the time this is because of insufficient funds on the card. We retry payments occasionally to try to get the charge but handle this on HQ as we sometimes refund users when they contact us on customer support. It is also handled by us to not have too many retries too often, which can have a bad impact on Stripe. Rest assured, we always retry the payment charge from all failed payments.

How long until I can see good usage in a venue?

Depending on the market, it can take up to 6 months. For a new venue, you should know the quality after up to 3 months if the station is placed properly.

Can I use my company branding as an MO?

You may not co-market your own brand on Brick hardware.

What do we do with the stations after the contract is over?

They are yours to keep (in the contract) and if you decide not to continue with the partnership then we will contact our network and find someone who needs stations. The former NP would get the money from the stations.

What is next for Brick?

We are constantly looking into new features and functions! Right now we are focusing on power bank sharing, but keep our eyes open for new areas of sharing as well.

What are some selling points you give to venues?

It is important to understand that you will have to talk to a lot of different people and venues. Bringing a station to demo the product, together with our sales material provided, should be enough to spark interest and get your stations placed when speaking to venue owners and managers! Usually, it is good to ask if their customers ever ask if they can charge their phones. They do, and you have the best solution for this problem.

Do I need a team to operate my market?

This depends on a few factors:

- How much time can/will you spend on Brick?

- How many stations do you plan on placing?

- Geographical distance between your stations

If you consider having a large network with many stations, you will need help in operating Brick. This can be done through employment or third-party assistance, both have been tried and tested successfully.

Question about the powerbanks moving and in someone's other partner's possession?

There is a global partner community to make sure you can solve these issues and we will help you in doing so!

What will happen if a user doesn't have enough money in their bank account and steals the power bank or at least doesn't have enough money to pay for usage?

This can happen, but we are taking a lot of actions to ensure that this type of fraudulent behavior is brought down to a minimum. We at Brick can also retry payments through our Dashboard if the payment didn't go through.

What is the most suitable marketing for this kind of service?

The best marketing we have found is word of mouth and having the stations physically present. With the stations present, the users or potential venues can see how the product works and how to use it. Read more about that here.

Onboarding the staff at the venues so they know how to use the service is incredibly helpful as well. In addition, we have marketing materials such as presentations, flyers, posters, stickers, and more through Canva, a graphic design platform that we will onboard you to.

I don’t want to give my venue partners any revenue share, but what do you think I should do?

• Profit share is a good instrument to say “We are in this together”.

• We have experienced that venues more easily abandon contracts if there’s no profit share in the agreement

• We highly recommend that the profit share is pitched as partnership transparency, not as a profitable service partnership. The profit share could be presented as compensation for the additional power consumption

• We have deals ranging from 10-25%. The largest department store in Sweden with 70 stations has 30%.

• Last but not least, remember to pitch Brick to venues as a way to alleviate the stress and responsibility of being in charge of customers' phones. It is a kind of service that will make their lives easier and will enable them to do their job better.

Do you have partners that have shown consistent profitability?

Yes, we have partners that have a continuously growing network and profitability.

Can a partner upgrade to the market operator at any time or when the contract is finished?

Yes, can upgrade to MO at any time!

Why 1 rental per station per day?

1 rental per station per day is a feasible goal with a solid ROI.

How often does a user keep the powerbank?

1-3% of the time

Could you please prepare a list of all located stations worldwide currently? And the amount of all stations.

We have 2,500+ stations out in the markets that are waiting to be placed or put in venues. The list is changing all the time and it is hard to have an exact estimate. Please take the time to download our app so you check out the stations worldwide!

Can you bill me for the stations and powerbanks separately?

Yes, we will send 2 invoices

What does the market entry strategy look like?

We have an intense onboarding process with our Partner Success Manager, and have pre-written sales emails, that will give you access to our global community. If we don’t have something you need then we can implement it!

When new features are introduced, will I have to upgrade my stations to take advantage?

Should expect to purchase new stations when upgrades are implemented

Is there a cancellation period for the contract if there are some unforeseen circumstances?

The length of the agreement is binding (12 months)

What happens to the hardware after the 1-year factory warranty ends?

Check this article. Apart from the warranty we can help you fix stations.

How many extra powerbanks do I need?

We suggest leaving one or two slots open so that there's an open slot in case users move the powerbanks between stations. We can always send additional powerbanks as needed, but a handful of spare users who keep the powerbanks (where they're charged the rental fee for five days plus the purchase fee). Roughly speaking, about 2-3% of rentals end up being powerbank purchases.

How do I replace a SIM card on a 12-slot station?

Can I put a 6-slot station on a stand/tower?

The stand does light up with a large Brick logo. It's designed to fit the medium, 12-slot station (you attach screws to the 'feet' of the station). It doesn't exactly fit the footprint of the 6-slot station so, while you could place it atop the tower, it wouldn't be secured to the tower.

If someone damages the station, will you send me another one?

No, we can try to help you fix it! We don’t cover damages.

SIM cards for non-EU and non-North America markets?

SIM cards should be supplied by the local market direct to our supplier in China to be installed, the local market will provide us with APN info.

Powerbank rentals and minimum hold with the first transaction

We have a low threshold for the initial hold on a user’s account to rent a powerbank. This hold usually covers the first interval for a rental (typically 30 or 60 minutes). The hold works like a hold when checking into a hotel to cover incidental charges. Our hold amount is low as our fee is low. Charging more tends to mean fewer rentals, rather than risking the occasional powerbank that may end up being purchased by a user only being charged the hold amount and then not returning the powerbank. The account will still be attempted to be charged 5 times from the initial rental to capture the payment.

Backup power in case of a power outage? Essentially how will the station work if there is a power outage?

No, there is no backup power in case of a power outage. If there is no electricity then, unfortunately, the station cannot work.

What is needed to set up the SIM card? What SIM card is needed for the station?

As far as the size of the 6 slot and 48 slot a Micro SIM is used and for the 12 slot a Nano SIM is used. Both a dynamic and static SIM card works and we suggest that you get a SIM card connected to an IoT platform rather than a phone SIM card.

Will I always get the minimum reserved amount even though the payment failed?

No, but it’s something we will implement soon.

The lifespan of the powerbanks?

Can be hard to estimate as it goes in and out of the hands of users but they have a lifespan of 500 charges.

What happens if I place a station outside of the city limits of my network?

If you want to go outside the limits of the market, please check with Brick HQ

Would Brick be able to provide different-length power cords? We take the standard cord from our manufacturer. If you want a different kind of outlet plug then we will make sure we get you what will work in your market.

Way to bolt down medium or large station?

Yes, there is a way to bolt down the medium, stand, and large. However, we don’t have pre-made holes. We specifically designed it so that you are free to choose how you secure it.

What if I signed a contract in one city but wanted to operate in another region because there are better connections there?

Please contact us with this request as we will need to renegotiate the contract you signed for one specific location. However, we would like to help you so you can operate where you have the best connections and see if the market is available.

How do you prevent people from stealing powerbanks?

We have a system in place to make sure that people can’t just take a powerbank. For example, the purchase price is set at €50 and we will keep charging the user. You as the partner will profit from people not returning their powerbanks.

How much storage is available on the 24- and 48-slot stations?

48-slots have roughly 3 GB of internal storage. It is roughly the same for 24-slot towers.

Is VAT taken out before or after the Stripe payout?

Stripe automatically takes out VAT, revenue share, and the transaction fee from Stripe before it goes to your account. So Stripe takes it out before the payout.


Pricing is set a the market-, venue-, and station-level in the dashboard. Insure that the correct pricing is applied at the correct level if you see a discrepancy between the expected pricing and how pricing is displayed when a user scans a station.

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